
KMZ Kollektiv (DE/SV/MX/CU/ES)

Five exhibits

Duration: 70 Min.  |  Biographical material performance  |  Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch mit deutschen Übertiteln

For adults and young people from the age of 12

A German researcher was in Latin America a long time ago . There he melted many things in their entireand took them with him. The three people on stage show what that means.

An evening with Alex von Humboldt – scientist, the man who gave the Humboldt Forum its name, the second “discoverer” of America! In the role of both the discovered and the discoverers, three Latinx performers break the Humboldtian gaze. In sculptures, plants, stones and their own personal biographies, they search for decolonial counter-histories. Using two products – potatoes and plaster – they create a dazzling web of unexpected images and dense narratives.

The biographical material performance “Five Exhibits” is a plea to reject Western perspec- tives. The Latin-American-European team negotiates the complex web of issues surrounding museums, heritage, appropriation, restitution, knowledge and faith, as well as the pos- sibilities of dialogue and cooperation between the global South and North.

“Trained in the current discourse and deeply rooted in the biographies of the performers, ‘Fünf Exponate’ is an exceptional example of a theatre of otherstories.” (Night Critic)

Performance: Laia RiCa, Antonio Cerezo | Performance, Komposition: Yahima Piedra Córdova Medienkunst, Live-Visuals: Daniela del Pomar Bühnenbild, Lichtdesign: Sebastián Solórzano Kostüme: Anne Buffetrille | Dramaturgie: Ruschka Steininger | Konzept, künstl. Leitung: Laia RiCa, Antonio Cerezo, Ruschka Steininger

  • Do. 06.02.
  • 20:00
  • Heilbronn / Theater Heilbronn - Komödienhaus
  • Prices: 28 € / 14 € (reduced) / Festival package: 20% discount on the purchase of tickets for 5 performances
  • Tickets


Fünf Exponate is a production by KMZ Kollektiv in co-production with Schaubude Berlin, the Erlangen International Puppet Theatre Festival, FITZ Stuttgart and RAMPE Stuttgart. Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe (Berlin). Realised with the support of the Netzwerk Freier Theater, which is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the “Promoting Connections” programme of the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V. (Federal Association of Independent Performing Arts). The performances are made possible by the Nationale Performance Netz Gastspielförderung Theater, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and the Ministries of Culture and the Arts of the federal states.