

Things thinging

Tanzendes Philosophieren über Dinge

Duration: 50 Min.  |  performance  |  German and German sign language

From the age of 5

There are many things here. Things can be thinging. What does thinging actually mean? There are many possibilities.

Things thinging … any idea what that is? Ever heard of that? Thinging?! Is thinging a thing? Or is thinging more than one thing? What things are there all around us and what all can we do with them? And, more importantly: what can things do with us? Can things think and can thoughts thing?

With “Dinge dingen” Julia Keren Turbahn and Jan Rozman, along with Jan Kress, invite you to enter a world crammed full of things – a world of possibilities, where things encounter and can be encountered in different ways. Could that be your thing? Then join in: this playful performance has room for interpretation, encounter and discovery. Anyone who is over five years old is invited to do some thinging.


Concept, choreography, performance: Jan Rozman and Julia Keren Turbahn | Artistic advice, adaptation of performances in GSL, performance: Jan Kress | Set design: Dan Pikalo and Jan Rozman | Lighting design: Annegret Schalke | Sound design: Andrés Bucci / Future Legend | Costume design: Tanja Padan/Kiss the Future | Outside Eye: Sanja Tropp Frühwald | Composition Text: Alexander Patzelt | Illustration: Matija Medved | Mentoring: Gabi dan Droste and Benjamin Zajc | Production management: Sabrina Železnik (Slovenia), Patricia Oldenhave, Alexander Schröder and Julia Keren Turbahn (Germany) | Production: Emanat | Co-production: Puppentheater Ljubljana | In cooperation with: FELD Theater for Young Audiences

  • Mi. 05.02.
  • 10:00
  • Heilbronn / Theater Heilbronn-Boxx
  • Prices: 17 € / 8,5 € (reduced) / Festival package: 20% discount on the purchase of tickets for 5 performances
  • Tickets


The performances of “Dinge dingen” are made possible by the Slovenian Cultural Information Centre and the National Performance Network for Theatre Sponsorship, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and the Ministries of Culture and the Arts of the federal states.